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Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün (2018-20)
In 2015, Berlin‘s Senate has agreed on the principles of an indicatory 'sustainability profile'. One of three profile aspects to concentrate on in the future is 'The productive city', to a large part centred around the German capital‘s open spaces, metabolic processes and nature-based solutions. To discuss this strategy between the public and city officials, the Platform Productive Urban Green is being set up by the Senate of Berlin.

With Berlin-based association AG Stadt & Ernährung [Working Group City & Food], Katrin is working on the first component of the Platform, the website Gemeinschaftsgärtnern [Community Gardening] for and about the city‘s more than 200 community gardens.
Draft flyer and start theme of the website Produktives Stadtgrün (image: AG Stadt & Ernährung)
The project, fully titled Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün – Gestaltung und Planung des öffentlichen Grüns [Platform Productive Urban Green – Design and planning of open green space], is an initiative by the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection [Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz].
Its new website and communication format aims to engage the public and city officials in discussing the future of the capital’s open (green) urban spaces by focussing on distinct spatial and use typologies. The first of those are the city’s community gardens, one of the most prolific and successful productive urban space types of contemporary Berlin.
The data to be used in the map function of Platform Productive Urban Green – Community Gardens comes from four main sources. (image: AG Stadt & Ernährung)
Between February and November 2019, the AG Stadt & Ernährung ran 5 participatory workshops and presentations with Berlin community gardeners and other interested parties and held numerous meetings with the Senate Department in order to shape the concept, format and functions of the online platform.
To implement the website, we collaborated with Scholz Constructors, a Berlin-based web design and programming firm.
Presentation of the results of one of the discussion tables by an urban gardener during the interim presentation in June 2019 (image: Beatrice Walthall)

location: Berlin, Germany
dates: 2018 — 2020
client: The Senate of Berlin, Senate Department for the Environment Transport and Climate Protection
funding: The Senate of Berlin

B&V team: This is an AG Stadt & Ernährung project. For the AG Stadt & Ernährung: Beatrice Walthall, Katrin Bohn

collaborators: Scholz Constructors, Berlin, Germany / Dr. Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen, Berlin, Germany
supporters: Berlin community gardeners / anstiftung Foundation, Germany

Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün / project news on our blog Productive Urban Landscapes