++44 (0)20 7639 9774
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We act as expert advisers and evaluators to sustainable urban design and low-energy architecture projects. This includes the co-design and -leadership of partipatory processes, the production of expert reports as well as feedback to governing or funding bodies. Our clients include the public, private, arts and academic sectors.
Consultancy projects are usually carried out directly by André or Katrin.

Overview of clients we advised and of projects we evaluated
Ash Sakula Architects, London (low-energy arts centre)

Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Austria, 'Sparkling Science' programme (examiner)

Blauel Architects, London (low-energy building systems)

Building Structures Workshop, London (ventilation strategies)

Copleston Community Centre London, UK, Building Sub-Committee (elected member)

Conservation & Urban Ecology, London (thermal insulation / alternative energy sources)

DOTT 07 (Designs of The Time) commissioning team, UK (urban agriculture)

European Commission, European Green Deal call (Farm to Fork and EU Biodiversity strategies)

European Garden Association, European Award for Ecological Gardening competition (jury member)

Food Urbanism Initiative, led by Verzone Woods Architectes, Switzerland (steering committee member and evaluator)

German Federal Ministry for Building and Regional Planning in Bonn, Germany, Renaturation as a strategy of sustainable urban development think tank (urban agriculture / productive urban landscapes)

German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Naturkapital Deutschland TEEB DE national scientific report (evaluator)

Greater London Authority (GLA), London Thames Gateway Development / London Green Grid Eastern expansion planning / London Sustainability Plan (CPUL / urban agriculture / food systems)

Hamburg City Council, Germany (productive urban landscapes / urban agriculture)

International Building Exhibition (IBA) Heidelberg, Germany (productive urban landscapes / The Productive City)

Jonathan Gales, London (productive urban landscapes)

Katja Schäfer, UN Habitat (CPUL)

Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation, UK (urban agriculture, food systems planning)

The London Assembly's Planning and Housing Committee, Greater London Authority, UK, Agriculture and Growing Food in London report (member of the steering committee)

London Olympics Legacy Development Corporation, UK (productive urban landscapes)

Lucy Annan Architects, UK (shading devices / thermal insulation)

MARU, London Southbank University, The Future of Health Buildings think tank (building materials / low energy architecture)

Natur im Garten e.V., Austria, European Award for Ecological Gardening competition (jury member)

new london architecture, London, London Festival of Architecture urban food events planning group

One Brighton Trust, Brighton UK (steering group member)

RIBA Architecture Gallery, UK, Urban Futures for London exhibition

R-Urban, led by atelier d'architecture autogeree (aaa), France (adviser and evaluator)

Senate of Berlin's Urban Development Department, Strategie Stadtlandschaften expert commission (productive urban landscapes, urban agriculture)

SHADE Architectural Design competition, UK (jury member)

Something & Son, London (urban agriculture / hydroponics)

SUSTAIN the alliance for better food and farming, UK, Growing Food for London London's 1st public urban agriculture conference (urban agriculture / food systems)

Taste of Heimat e.V., Cologne (advisory board)

World Renewable Energy Network (WREN), Low Energy Architecture Design competition (jury member)