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2019-Feb-15 : COST Action Circular City meeting in Vienna, Austria
Last week, Katrin Bohn took part in the 2nd management committee meeting and working group workshops of the COST Action “Circular City”. The event was held at BOKU University Vienna who’s Dr. Günter Langergraber chairs this network. From the 38 participating countries, 36 countries were present at the meeting which laid the platform and plans for the Action. The first articles were planned in all five work groups, the first scientific missions were decided and the communication group started the first social media accounts.

This COST Action network (fully titled: COST Action 17133 Implementing nature-based solutions for creating a resourceful city) aims to establish an interdisciplinary platform for connecting city planners, architects, system designers, economists, engineers and researchers from social and natural sciences testing the hypothesis that ‘a circular flow system that implements nature-based solutions (NBS) for managing nutrients and resources within the urban biosphere will lead to a resilient, sustainable and healthy urban environment’.
Poster explaining aims and working methods of the COST Action. (image: COST Action Circular City 2019)
By this, the Action aims to support the transformation of our cities into sustainable systems using a holistic approach by developing NBS in the urban landscape and facilitate circular economies based on the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse and Recover. This will allow cities worldwide to cope with the important future challenges related to resource depletion, climate change and degradation of ecosystems.

Katrin is one of the two management committee members representing Great Britain in this COST Action.
For further information see the project’s website.

COST Action “Circular City” is on facebook and twitter.

For B&V's contribution to the project see its Theory page on this website.

To keep up to date with the project's development see our blog Productive Urban Landscapes.