2018-Dec-24 : M E R R Y _ C H R I S T M A S _ 2 0 1 8 !
We wish all our readers, colleagues and friends a peaceful and joyous festive season!
If you have time between the years, we recommend a book Katrin was given by her friend Barbara:
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit has already been written in 2002 yet many of its profound observations – if not all – on movement and walking are as relevant as ever. The way Solnit describes moving through and experiencing open space is very similar to the way we imagine moving through and experiencing Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes and – for very similar reasons.
Rebecca Solnit (2002) Wanderlust: A history of walking, London: Granta, 330 pages, see here.
If you have time between the years, we recommend a book Katrin was given by her friend Barbara:
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit has already been written in 2002 yet many of its profound observations – if not all – on movement and walking are as relevant as ever. The way Solnit describes moving through and experiencing open space is very similar to the way we imagine moving through and experiencing Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes and – for very similar reasons.
Rebecca Solnit (2002) Wanderlust: A history of walking, London: Granta, 330 pages, see here.
The Spiel/Feld Marzahn community garden in Berlin, co-initiated by Katrin Bohn, in winter. (image: Any Paz 2012)
And if you have even more time, we would like to recommend a visit to one of our favourite 2018 locations in Brighton:
The Bevy Community Pub in Brighton is – in its own words – the ‘first community-owned and run estate pub in Great Britain’. It opened in December 2014 after having been ‘re-built, re-decorated and re-opened by an army of volunteers’. The pub is a community benefit society with over 700 shareholders, and any money it makes is reinvested in the local area. The Bevy is located in Moulsecoomb, very close to the University of Brighton’s architecture school (please pop in on the way) and opens every day. The food and drinks are excellent, and so is its community program.
The Bevy can be found here.
Wir wünschen allen unseren Lesern, Kolleginnen und Freunden eine friedliche und freudige Festzeit!
The Bevy Community Pub in Brighton is – in its own words – the ‘first community-owned and run estate pub in Great Britain’. It opened in December 2014 after having been ‘re-built, re-decorated and re-opened by an army of volunteers’. The pub is a community benefit society with over 700 shareholders, and any money it makes is reinvested in the local area. The Bevy is located in Moulsecoomb, very close to the University of Brighton’s architecture school (please pop in on the way) and opens every day. The food and drinks are excellent, and so is its community program.
The Bevy can be found here.
Wir wünschen allen unseren Lesern, Kolleginnen und Freunden eine friedliche und freudige Festzeit!