2019-Dec-05 : Letchworth Garden City team visits Brighton food projects
This Monday, Vic Borrill (Brighton & Hove Food Partnership) and Katrin Bohn (University of Brighton) welcomed visitors from Letchworth Garden City to the City of Brighton & Hove. As part of the Horizon2020 innovation action project EdiCitNet, the Letchworth team came to study community food projects in Brighton many of whom are linked to the city’s charity / social enterprise Brighton & Hove Food Partnership.
We also engaged in our first joint work meetings on how to masterplan for a better integrated food system provision in Letchworth which is the overall aim of our cooperation funded through Horizon2020. With great interest did the hosts hear, for example, that, whilst many garden city principles were successfully applied in Letchworth since its founding as the world’s first garden city, the food system aspect is the one principle that ‘never quite worked’.
We also engaged in our first joint work meetings on how to masterplan for a better integrated food system provision in Letchworth which is the overall aim of our cooperation funded through Horizon2020. With great interest did the hosts hear, for example, that, whilst many garden city principles were successfully applied in Letchworth since its founding as the world’s first garden city, the food system aspect is the one principle that ‘never quite worked’.

Preston Park Demo Garden, one of the visited projects and Brighton & Hove Food Partnership’s first spatial intervention in Brighton. (image: Brighton & Hove Food Partnership www 2019)
The Letchworth Garden City team was led by Kevin Jones, trustee of the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation, and initiated by Dr. Susan Parham, associate professor at the University of Herfordshire and urban food expert. It also included representatives of local food initiatives such as the Best Before Cafe Letchworth and Transition Town Letchworth.
The projects and organisations visited showed the spatial and social potential of engaging local communities in shaping their relationship to food and included the Community Kitchen, run by Brighton&Hove Food Partnership, the Bevy Pub, Great Britain’s first community-run pub, Community Orchards established by the Brighton Permaculture Trust, the Preston Park Demo Garden, run by Brighton&Hove Food Partnership, and the former Edible Campus at the Grand Parade site of the University of Brighton.
The projects and organisations visited showed the spatial and social potential of engaging local communities in shaping their relationship to food and included the Community Kitchen, run by Brighton&Hove Food Partnership, the Bevy Pub, Great Britain’s first community-run pub, Community Orchards established by the Brighton Permaculture Trust, the Preston Park Demo Garden, run by Brighton&Hove Food Partnership, and the former Edible Campus at the Grand Parade site of the University of Brighton.
For more information on Brighton & Hove Food Partnership see here.
For B&V's contribution to Letchworth's food masterplanning see the Practice page on this website.
For information on EdiCitNet see the project's own website.
To keep up to date with the project's development see our blog Productive Urban Landscapes.
For B&V's contribution to Letchworth's food masterplanning see the Practice page on this website.
For information on EdiCitNet see the project's own website.
To keep up to date with the project's development see our blog Productive Urban Landscapes.