2019-May-08 : Research project meeting in Germany’s first Edible City
EdiCitNet, the H2020 European innovation action project Katrin Bohn and André Viljoen are involved in, held a 4-day working meeting in Andernach, Germany’s first Edible City and partner in the project. Consortium members from 8 international cities as well as specialists met to present, discuss and develop ideas of how to integrate urban agriculture and food system initiatives more permanently into their cities’ urban planning. Katrin attended the Work Package 4 kick-off meeting as urban agriculture / food systems / productive urban landscape specialist tasked to co-develop food-centred master plans with city representatives of the 8 cities over the next 4 years.
According to Dr Lutz Kosack, responsible for the edible landscapes of Andernach at the town’s planning department, back in 2005, Bohn&Viljoen’s CPUL book was one of the inspirations for Andernach to embark on its pionieering work.
According to Dr Lutz Kosack, responsible for the edible landscapes of Andernach at the town’s planning department, back in 2005, Bohn&Viljoen’s CPUL book was one of the inspirations for Andernach to embark on its pionieering work.

Andernach’s new EdiCitNet food growing site is being prepared. (image: City of Andernach 2019)
For further information on EdiCitNet see the project’s own website.
For more information on Andernach see here.
For more information on Andernach see here.