2020-Oct-01 : Brighton & Hove Planning Advice Note on food growing adopted
On Thursday 24 September 2020, Brighton & Hove City Council approved the adoption of their revised Planning Advice Note 06 on Food Growing and Development. Initially adopted in 2011, the revised edition has been written by Brighton & Hove City Council in a joint project with the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership and input from UK organisation Sustain, the alliance for better food and farming, as well as input and review by André Viljoen.
The Planning Advice Note (PAN) is innovative and original in a number of respects. It was the first PAN in the UK, specifically advocating the inclusion of food growing spaces in development proposals, and it came about through close cooperation between Brighton & Hove’s then sustainability offices and an NGO, the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership, who led the drafting of the document, underpinned by consultation with a range of external parties.
The Planning Advice Note (PAN) is innovative and original in a number of respects. It was the first PAN in the UK, specifically advocating the inclusion of food growing spaces in development proposals, and it came about through close cooperation between Brighton & Hove’s then sustainability offices and an NGO, the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership, who led the drafting of the document, underpinned by consultation with a range of external parties.

Cover of the 2020 Planning Advisory Note 06 on Food Growing and Development adopted by Brighton and Hove City Council (image: B&HCC 2020)
Suggestions made in a PAN are not mandatory, but they indicate approaches that, if adopted within planning permission proposals, will be looked on favourably when planning applications are assessed. The aim of PAN 06 is to encourage the inclusion of food growing spaces in new urban developments, and it is structured to provide an overview of how this aim fits within national and local planning policy, followed by a substantial part devoted to design and technical guidance and a resource list. The 2011 edition of the PAN has been considered a successful national pioneer. In 2015, Brighton & Hove Food Partnership, in their application for a Sustainable Food Cities Award reported that 'since its introduction, 45% of planning applications have included mention of food growing and there has been an increase from 1% to over 38% of successful development applications incorporating food growing spaces'. A PAN like this can be considered a useful item in the toolbox for implementing productive urban landscapes!
As published, PAN 06 on Food Growing and Development includes several references to Bohn and Viljoen’s research on urban food including a definition of the CPUL concept and the listing of our 2014 book Second Nature Urban Agriculture: Designing productive cities as a resource for the design of edible landscapes.
As published, PAN 06 on Food Growing and Development includes several references to Bohn and Viljoen’s research on urban food including a definition of the CPUL concept and the listing of our 2014 book Second Nature Urban Agriculture: Designing productive cities as a resource for the design of edible landscapes.
The Brighton & Hove PAN 06 on Food Growing and Development can be found here.
For more information on Brighton & Hove Food Partnership see here.
For more information on the book Second Nature Urban Agriculture: Designing productive cities see its Theory page on this website.
To keep up to date with Brighton news see our blog Productive Urban Landscapes.
For more information on Brighton & Hove Food Partnership see here.
For more information on the book Second Nature Urban Agriculture: Designing productive cities see its Theory page on this website.
To keep up to date with Brighton news see our blog Productive Urban Landscapes.