Die Produktive Stadt (2011-)
+++ Please bear with us! This entry is currently being rewritten. +++
Urban agriculture projects with an educational focus, one of the five foci studied in Berlin (image: FG Stadt & Ernährung (Prof. Bohn) TU Berlin)
One of the ten in-depth studies for Berlin, here of a project with community focus (image: FG Stadt & Ernährung (Prof. Bohn) TU Berlin)
View towards the Carrot City part of the exhibition (image: Studio Froh)
location: Berlin, Germany
date: 2011, ongoing travelling version of the exhibition
client: Architekturmusem der TU Berlin [The Architecture Museum at TU Berlin] / Carrot City Project Canada
funding: Technical University Berlin / anstiftung Foundation Germany
location: Berlin, Germany
date: 2011, ongoing travelling version of the exhibition
client: Architekturmusem der TU Berlin [The Architecture Museum at TU Berlin] / Carrot City Project Canada
funding: Technical University Berlin / anstiftung Foundation Germany