Paysages Urbains Continus-Productifs: Que sont les CPULs? (2009)
An extensive article about the CPUL concept appeared in the parution ponctuelle of the LUP series published by l'atelier d'architecture autogérée (aaa). This small magazine is part of the 'laboratoire d'urbanisme participatif' (LUP) around the action research project RURBAN led by French architecture collective aaa. RURBAN explores participative strategies for an urban ecology that invites a different living between city and countryside.
The article is published in French. It is available here (LUP#12).
The article is published in French. It is available here (LUP#12).

LUP#12 is the 12th issue of the magazine accompanying the 'laboratoire d'urbanisme participatif' by aaa. (image: aaa 2009)
Full reference:
Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes (2009) article in: LUP#12: parution ponctuelle de l′atelier d′architecture autogérée (2009) eds: C. Petcou, D. Petrescu, N. Marchand and L. Coulange, Paris: aaa publications. [Bohn, K. and Viljoen, A.]
>>> Online at: (LUP#12). >>> Publication in French
Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes (2009) article in: LUP#12: parution ponctuelle de l′atelier d′architecture autogérée (2009) eds: C. Petcou, D. Petrescu, N. Marchand and L. Coulange, Paris: aaa publications. [Bohn, K. and Viljoen, A.]
>>> Online at: (LUP#12). >>> Publication in French